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Private business Spanish lessons in Guadalajara are for business executives and professionals who want to learn Spanish as quickly as possible with customized lessons and a private Spanish teacher.
If you want to study Spanish, look no further than our programs to learn Spanish. We provide structured private lessons that will help you develop a better understanding and appreciation for Spanish while enhancing your fluency.
This course has been designed primarily for advanced composition or composition/conversation learners, it offers an innovative process-based approach to develop students' writing skills in Spanish. The goal is that of fostering students' critical reflection and self-correction, thus increasing their independence in the craft of writing.
Spanish courses for beginners' levels. This course has been designed to have plenty of interaction with the basic rules of Spanish and idioms in order to achieve mastery of the language.
This conversation course offers an array of lively, communicative pair and small-group activities specifically designed to develop speaking and listening skills and to facilitate student interaction. The program easily motivates students to use language creatively through engaging student-centered role-plays, conversation starters, problem-solving tasks, and content-based activities.
This course has been designed to provide intermediate through advanced learners of Spanish with a powerful tool for review and progress in Spanish. We introduce clear, concise, and well-organized grammar explanations with examples that reflect everyday usage, most often in the format of conversational exchanges.
Review for Intermediate Through Advanced Students In this course we aim to provide a systematic presentation of grammar points together with sufficient back-up practice to ensure that the points are adequately reinforced.
This program presents points of Spanish grammar to students or professionals seeking a working knowledge of Spanish. Grammatical structures and high-frequency vocabulary that are indispensable for communication are presented clearly and concisely and reinforced through a variety of practice exercises.
The DELE, Spanish acronym for Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language, is the sole standardized accreditation system for Spanish as a foreign language students accepted in over 100 different countries around the world. This certification is granted by The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through the Instituto Cervantes.
Our Spanish for Business and Finance Course introduces our learners to realistic situations and the specialized vocabulary that business and finance professionals need to communicate with Hispanic members of the community in the course of their daily work. Personalized questions, grammar exercises, role-plays, realia-based activities, and translation and interpretation tasks provide students with numerous opportunities to apply their newly acquired knowledge in a wide variety of practical context.
Because of the growing importance of Spanish in the busiess world, the demand for practical commercial Spanish courses is growing. Yet, to date, there have been very few courses designed to meet this need.
The purpose of this course is to prepare hotel and restaurant management staffers to work with spanish speaking personnel ranging from upper management to back of the house staff by spontaneously creating real life hospitality experiences.
The aim of this course is to familiarize you with spoken Spanish in typical travel situations. It will teach you the language easily and also give you cultural information.
This course focuses on the special needs and situations confronted by teachers when dealing with Hispanic students in their classrooms and their parents. Language development is accomplished through a wide variety of opportunities to apply new vocabulary and grammatical structures in many practical contexts.
Reporting to parents in English and Spanish: This course was designed to assist teachers who need to communicate with the Spanish speaking members of the school community regarding student progress. It is intended, for the use of staff members who do not have the services of a translator.
The course of English and Spanish School Letters provides teachers and schools with letters and forms that both give and request information that needs to be communicated between the school and the parents during the school year. These letters and forms can easily be adapted through word and sentence substitutions in order to fit differing situations and to meet specific needs of a particular teacher, school, or district.