Choose from 5 business Italian courses in Campania
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Business Italian courses in Campania for business executives who want to learn Italian to be able to do business in Campania. 2 - 16 week courses available. Most courses average 30 classes per week.
These courses are for professional people who need to improve the Italian language for their work, developing their knowledge of general language and studying the specialized language of their business field.
Tailor-Made Individual (1-to-one) or SEMI-INDIVIDUAL (2/3/4 – to-one) LESSONS are offered with a personalized didactic program held by high qualified Italian teachers trained in all business fields: trading, administration, law, medicine, banking, diplomacy, HR, military, airline, etc.
These courses are for professional people who need to improve the Italian language for their work, developing their knowledge of general language and studying the specialized language of their business field.
Tailor-Made Individual (1-to-one) or SEMI-INDIVIDUAL (2/3/4 – to-one) LESSONS are offered with a personalized didactic program held by high qualified Italian teachers trained in all business fields: trading, administration, law, medicine, banking, diplomacy, HR, military, airline, etc.
These courses are for professional people who need to improve the Italian language for their work, developing their knowledge of general language and studying the specialized language of their business field.
Tailor-Made Individual (1-to-one) or SEMI-INDIVIDUAL (2/3/4 – to-one) LESSONS are offered with a personalized didactic program held by high qualified Italian teachers trained in all business fields: trading, administration, law, medicine, banking, diplomacy, HR, military, airline, etc.
These courses are for professional people who need to improve the Italian language for their work, developing their knowledge of general language and studying the specialized language of their business field.
Tailor-Made Individual (1-to-one) or SEMI-INDIVIDUAL (2/3/4 – to-one) LESSONS are offered with a personalized didactic program held by high qualified Italian teachers trained in all business fields: trading, administration, law, medicine, banking, diplomacy, HR, military, airline, etc.
These courses are for professional people who need to improve the Italian language for their work, developing their knowledge of general language and studying the specialized language of their business field.
Tailor-Made Individual (1-to-one) or SEMI-INDIVIDUAL 3/ – to-one) LESSONS are offered with a personalized didactic program held by high qualified Italian teachers trained in all business fields: trading, administration, law, medicine, banking, diplomacy, HR, military, airline, etc.
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